Friday, February 18, 2011


Hello everyone!
This week I attended the METC conference in St. Charles, MO. It was AMAZING! I attended many sessions on COOL internet gadgets and met many knowledgeable people. I will be presenting many of these in the upcoming weeks, either in the Brittany Woods library or on this blog and accompanying wiki. Don’t worry if some of this seems like a foreign language; it is strange and new, but is what is best for students J I can’t wait to share all of these wonderful resources! I will be sharing on Wednesdays during lunch. I know what you are thinking- I only get 30 minutes! But in 15 minutes I will show you two cool new toys and give you a baked good (brownies or cupcakes or whatever I feel like making that week).

So my discussion question for the week J. What is your favorite internet gadget, piece of software, or website? And why? (also please explain what it does?)
Also, I am obviously just starting to make my Digital Footprint. What advice do you have or suggestions? (Basically what should I add to my blog and wiki to make it useful to you?)

Thanks,-mrs. w-

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